Light touch laser spa NYC Laser Hair Removal How Does Laser Hair Removal Work blog 1 1
Picture of Lital Lev-Ary

Lital Lev-Ary

Lital Lev-Ary is a Certified Laser Hair Removal Professional (CLHRP) in practice since 2010. With over 10 years of experience in laser technology, Lital has developed her unique laser hair removal technique and is known for being proficient, professional, and personal.

11 Laser Hair Removal Facts You May Not Know

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Getting rid of that unwanted hair on your body can seem quite daunting. If you are frustrated with your hair and looking for a way that you can get rid of it without having to shave so often, or get your hair waxed, then you may consider laser hair removal. It is a semi-permanent option for hair removal, and is an ideal solution for many people.   If you are interested in laser hair removal, then it may be a good idea to learn a little more about it. Learning about it can help you to determine whether or not it may be something suitable for you. Here are some laser hair removal facts that you may not have been aware of.  

Laser Hair Removal Fact #1 – There are Many Types of Lasers

Laser hair removal is done using a type of cosmetic laser. These lasers run on various different frequencies, so it is important to understand that your skin tone and hair color play part in which laser will be best for you. There are so many lasers, and the laser technician will be able to determine which one will work best on your hair.  

Laser Hair Removal Fact #2 – You Should Never Have the Procedure Done if You are Sunburned or Tan

If you have been tanning lately, or have a sunburn, then laser hair removal should be avoided. Since this is the case, it may be a good idea to schedule your appointments for your procedure during the winter months when you won’t be spending too much time out in the sun.  

Laser Hair Removal Fact #3 – You Actually Have to Shave First

Before getting laser hair removal, you need to shave the area first. This may seem pretty counterproductive, but you don’t need to have the hair grown out in order to have the laser procedure. This is because it targets the pigments found in your hair follicles, rather than that found in the actual hair.  

Laser Hair Removal Fact #4 – It’s Not an Overnight Solution to Hair Removal

The truth is that laser hair removal is not going to make your legs smooth overnight. It is going to take some time. Typically, you will need to have several sessions completed before you see optimal results. You will also have to maintain it every few years.  

Laser Hair Removal Fact #5 – Laser Hair Removal Takes Some Time

It may seem like the procedure wouldn’t really take that much time, but it can be pretty time consuming. Most sessions will last an hour or less, depending on the area that is being treated. They have to target small patches at a time with the laser, since it is not very large. The larger the area is that you are having treated, the longer the procedure will take.  

Laser Hair Removal Fact #6 – Facial Hair Removal is a Thing

Laser hair removal is actually safe to use on your facial hair. The problem is that it is not really safe to use around the eyes, so that means that it cannot be used to get rid of unwanted eyebrow hair. It is safe for the neck area, and other parts of the face that are not too close to the eyes.  

Laser Hair Removal Fact #7 – Consistency is Key

Staying consistent with your laser hair removal sessions is really important. Your hair grows in cycles, so you will need to be consistent to get the best results. It is important to schedule your sessions every six weeks or so apart, to ensure for optimal results.  

Laser Hair Removal Fact #8 – Treating Darker Skin Can Be More Difficult

Treating darker skin is a little harder, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t possible to do. The problem is that most lasers use the pigmentation of the hair contrasting against the skin complexion in order to target the hair follicle. If you have dark hair and dark skin, then you will need a special type of laser to see results.  

Laser Hair Removal Fact #9 – The Procedure Can Be a Little Painful

Imagine the sensation of a rubber band popping your skin over and over. This is what it feels like when you are having the procedure done. It may sting just a little bit, but the good news is that the pain shouldn’t last very long. It will usually subside after just a few hours. We may apply a topical cream that can help to numb the area before we get started. This may alleviate some of the discomfort.  

Laser Hair Removal Fact #10 – It Will Make Your Skin More Sensitive to Sunlight

Staying out of the sun after your procedure is very important. You will not want to have much exposure to the sun because your skin will be more prone to burning. You may not notice that it is more sensitive, so just take our word for it. Use some sunscreen if you have to be out in it.  

Laser Hair Removal Fact #11 – Laser Hair Removal is Pretty Safe

A lot of people wonder just how safe laser hair removal is for them. The truth is that it is pretty safe. That is the case as long as you are having it done by someone who is certified to do laser hair removal. This is why it is so important to check their credentials before scheduling your procedure.     As you can see, there are a lot of things to know about laser hair removal. We hope that you enjoyed the laser hair removal facts. Hopefully, they let you know a little bit more about the procedure, and also gave you the ability to determine whether it may be a good fit for you.

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Laser Hair Removal

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