Bikini Laser Hair Removal for Men
Picture of Lital Lev-Ary

Lital Lev-Ary

Lital Lev-Ary is a Certified Laser Hair Removal Professional (CLHRP) in practice since 2010. With over 10 years of experience in laser technology, Lital has developed her unique laser hair removal technique and is known for being proficient, professional, and personal.

Bikini Laser Hair Removal for Men

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Women are not the only ones that want to have a smooth bikini area without hair. Men have a tendency to want to rid themselves of this unruly hair as well. Shaving can be uncomfortable, because it often leads to bumpy irritated skin, and this is no fun at all. Waxing is really painful, and it really makes a huge mess if you aren’t careful. Who really wants hot wax down there anyway? This is why bikini laser hair removal for men has really become so popular these days. Sure, more women have this done than men, but that doesn’t mean that it isn’t an option at all.   Let’s take a look at some of the details that come along with laser hair removal to see if it may be something that is ideal for you.  

Does Bikini Laser Hair Removal For Men Hurt?

Perhaps the biggest question we see regarding laser hair removal is whether or not the procedure hurts. Truthfully, there is some pain associated with it. With that being said, you shouldn’t expect to have to take days off of work to recuperate. Chances are the pain will only last during the procedure, and won’t be very significant. You should be ready to get back to life right away, with no down time afterwards.   If you are really worried it will hurt too bad, consider having a test area done. This will not only let you see how it feels without committing to a full procedure, but it will also let you see how your skin may react to it. There are also some ways to minimize pain, such as analgesic creams and pain relievers.  

How Long Does Laser Hair Removal Take?

The length of time the procedure will take depends greatly from one person to the next. You have to consider the preparation for the actual laser procedure, along with the after care. The actual procedure depends on the amount of area being treated. The bikini area depends a lot on how much of the area you are having treated. It will take much longer if you have the entire area, back to front, treated. If you are just having some touch up areas, or shaping of the hair, then it won’t take nearly as long.  

How Long Do the Results Last?

The results of your procedure are likely to last for quite some time. This is why it is considered a semi-permanent hair removal solution. The lasers actually destroy the follicle, making them unable to grow hair. You will have to have multiple sessions done, just to ensure that you get adequate results and that the results last.   Talk to us about how many sessions we think that you will need, and how often you will need to come back in order to maintain your results and keep your bikini area smooth. After all, bikini laser hair removal is not just for the women anymore! Book your free consultation today to learn more about bikini laser hair removal for men.

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Bikini Laser Hair Removal for Men

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