PCOS and Laser Hair Removal Facts artical cover Light Touch Laser Spa NY
Picture of Lital Lev-Ary

Lital Lev-Ary

Lital Lev-Ary is a Certified Laser Hair Removal Professional (CLHRP) in practice since 2010. With over 10 years of experience in laser technology, Lital has developed her unique laser hair removal technique and is known for being proficient, professional, and personal.

PCOS and Laser Hair Removal Facts

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PCOS and Laser Hair Removal Facts

What is PCOS?

We will start with a brief explanation of PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). This condition simply means that many small cysts grow on the ovaries due to hormonal imbalances. The male hormone is overproduced in women with PCOS, and it is chronic and generally inherited. One of the main ways to treat PSOS is with birth control pills, but always consult your doctor. One of the primary and most bothersome symptoms is the overgrowth of hair on the neck, chin, face, back, or even fingers and toes. Women with this condition often become very self-conscious and resort to shaving body parts every two days or so, only to find that the hair grows back thicker and heavier. And while professional waxing might do the trick, regular wax treatments will be required. It is a never-ending cycle to combat this on your own if you suffer from PCOS.


Laser Hair removal and PCOS

Laser hair removal is a more permanent solution for women with this condition. In most cases, laser treatments will result in permanent hair removal and even if it doesn’t, and new hair grows, that hair will be generally lighter and finer. Women with PCOS should know that the hormones will “fight” against us, which means that those women might need more sessions than women without PCOS. Laser hair removal is also not as expensive as most people believe.


What is laser hair removal and how does it work?

To be honest laser hair removal is not a painless procedure, but the reward is worth it. It leaves a smooth, soft skin surface when completed. The laser targets the pigment in the hair and transfers the heat/energy through the hair to the follicles and destroys them, thereby giving permanent relief from hair growth. It can be and is used on any body part and is especially effective for those with PCOS. Targeted laser treatments are the best approach for permanent relief. As of now, laser hair removal is the only permanent solution for hair reduction for PCOS symptoms.


Experience counts in laser hair removal

A consultation with a licensed, certified, experienced technician will give you an idea of how many sessions you might need and what you can expect in terms of results.

Light Touch Laser Spa in NYC established in 2011, has extensive experience in laser hair removal with affordable prices and an atmosphere that makes everyone comfortable.

While PCOS is a chronic condition, symptoms including extensive hair growth suffering from the excess hair involved in PCOS is not necessary. Light Touch Laser Spa in NYC provides a friendly and relaxed environment where you will be comfortable and at ease. Our technicians are all licensed and certified and we treat all clients like our own family.

If you are one of the many women with PCOS and you’re looking for a permanent solution to hair growth, please call (646) 926-7202 and come in for a free, no strings attached, consultation.


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