buttocks laser hair removal for women
Picture of Lital Lev-Ary

Lital Lev-Ary

Lital Lev-Ary is a Certified Laser Hair Removal Professional (CLHRP) in practice since 2010. With over 10 years of experience in laser technology, Lital has developed her unique laser hair removal technique and is known for being proficient, professional, and personal.

Buttocks Laser Hair Removal for Women

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With bikini season right around the corner, you may be looking for ways to get rid of the hair on your rear end. Women and men both get hair on their bottom, even though it is more commonly seen among men. Instead of dealing with embarrassing buttocks hair, why not consider getting buttocks laser hair removal for women?   Let’s look into the different frequently asked questions that are most commonly asked regarding this procedure, so that you can see if it is right for you. Here are some things that you may have wondered about laser hair removal, especially for more intimate regions.  

How Long Does Buttocks Laser Hair Removal for Women Take?

Most people want to know how long they should expect to be back for their session. The good news is that laser hair removal on the bottom does not really last too long, because it is a smaller area. Other regions, such as your legs, may take upwards of an hour or more. The buttocks region, however, should only take around 15 or 20 minutes.  

How Much Does Buttocks Laser Hair Removal for Women Cost?

The cost of laser hair removal is another factor that people take into consideration when deciding whether or not it is right for them. Sometimes laser hair removal can be costly. That is especially true for larger areas, or more sensitive areas. The truth is, there are so many different pricing options available depending on where you go for treatment. There is also the cost of subsequent treatments, which will be necessary.  

How Many Treatments Will be Necessary?

The number of follow up treatments necessary for you to reach your goal with hair reduction will vary greatly from one person to the next. There is no way to just dictate a magic number of sessions. You will have to have around six treatments at first, but even after that you will have to maintain your results with annual or semi annual sessions.  

How Effective is Buttocks Laser Hair Removal for Women?

When it comes to the effectiveness of buttocks laser hair removal for women, there are some really great results that come from it. It is an effective way at minimizing hair in the area, even if it does not get rid of all of the hair right away. If you stick with it, and stay on track with the follow ups, you can really have great results with your laser hair removal session.  

Does it Hurt?

Finally, most women want to know whether or not it hurts. Truthfully, it is not really completely painless. It does actually hurt, a little. It more-so stings than anything, but it can be unpleasant. You can minimize the discomfort with numbing creams and over the counter pain medication. This is something to consider, especially if you do not have a very high pain tolerance.   After the procedure, you may have some discomfort or swelling in the area, but generally this will go away within just a few hours.

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Buttocks Laser Hair Removal

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